However, on the has been one big smack in the face after another. Reason being, check out my picture to the left. Yep! That's me! Nothing but a big old cow! I look at all of my old friends and everyone is doing so well! It is like everyone but me has discovered the fountain of youth! I swear....everyone looks awesome...better than I remember! And then, well...I look at myself! What have I done in the past 10 years since college besides get fat? I have had 2 kids, so I try to cut myself a little slack...but you know what, so have all of my old friends! They aren't fat!
Reality check strikes! This cycle of mine has to stop! The whole purpose of my {Re}inventing Myself project is to stop this cycle- get moving... feel better about myself... lose all of this self-hatred that has disabled me for way too long.
So, I have been obsessed with runners lately. I watch them run down the street as I drive. I admire their focus and drive. They run run in smoldering-hot weather, rain, snow....they don't care! Runners... I swear, are a freak of nature! How in the world can you go out and run 26 some miles and live to tell about it? Runners amaze me! My dad is a runner. He amazes me! He did his first Ironman competition in his 50's! Madman, I tell ya! He has been running marathon and doing triathalons for decades now, and has added 2 Ironman competitions to his resume. Insane, I don't know how he does it!
Anyway, I am going to start the 'Couch-to-5K Running Plan'. My goal is to be able to run a 5K in a few months! I plan on starting tonight with my first walk/jog intervals instructed by the Couch-to-5K plan.
I'll keep ya posted on how it is going!
Any running tips, feel free to comment!
Just want to offer this cow some much needed motivation, by all means, please do!
Next is triathlons you know. Kenz, you also have a real gift for writing. I love your style and flair. Let me know if you get this. Dad
Oh my God, I made your Blog. I am so proud and happy!!!! love, Dad
Whatever help you need with the running, I would be happy to help you out. Just give yourself small goals. You can do it!!! I have complete faith. BTW, I think you are way too hard on yourself. You are such an amazing person Kenz! and a very beautiful person inside and out. Having a size 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 whatever size body doesn't make things perfect.
Jaime Flader
I know how you feel sometimes but just by being more positive about life and yourself in general will make you feel ten times better- It is all in the way you think!!! I remember a girl who always saw the good in life and people and always carried a notebook to write down all the little moments in life that happen so she would not forget (songs,quotes,peoples names,books,ideas upon ideas anything great that came to her mind. Concentrate on the inside and the outside will just naturally follow. This is how you will truly be happy.
Signed your best friend.
Here's a good story for you. Carrie is a friend who lives one block over from me:
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