So...for those of you that know me well, know that Dear ole' Dr. Pepper is not my only addiction. For those of you who do not know me at all, or only know me a little bit should know I also have a great affinity with paper. Yes..paper! And no, not in a Pica sort of way! I DO NOT consume paper! (Pica is an eating disorder in which a person habitually eats non-nutritive substances, such as paper, for example, at an age that is developmentally inappropriate. )
We, humans, like to collect things.
I guess you could say I am an avid collector of paper! Artsy-fartsy paper of all kinds. I have oodles and oodles, and even more oodles of paper!
I suppose at this point you are wondering what on this beautiful earth do I do with all of these oodles and oodles of paper.....ahhh, good question, my friend! I swear, my paper story does have a point, and I will get to it in time!
So, the paper...for some reason, ever since college, or maybe even highschool, I have loved making greeting cards and invitations. I make LOTS of cards! So right next to my oodles and oodles of paper I have piles and piles of cards!
Now this is the part of the story where I am going to try and justify my addiction to my beloved paper. My addiction to paper would be alright if... say, maybe, I did something with all of these cards made out of beautiful paper... but instead they sit, all lonely, collecting dust!
So, as part of my '{re}inventing myself' project, I want to grow some serious ka-hoo-nahs. I want to gain some much needed self-confidence and try to sell this stuff. So, you know those home jewelry parties or 'toy' parties...come on ladies, we've all been to them, just to help a sista out, you don't really want to go but you do anyway! Awhile back, it was suggested I have a 'Kenzie' party. You have to understand...I just make tons of stuff for fun, but it all just sits around. I have been giving it some thought, along with thinking about how I am going to pay for school Spring semester, so I might just step out of my cozy comfort zone and give it a whirl...just see how it goes.
Now, tell me...what do you think?
Too audacious?
Any suggestions?
Do you sell on Etsy? If not, you must! The start putting stuff to see on here, and get the word out. Do a giveaway and post it on another blog (30 days is a good one for some publicity!)
I am wondering if paper comes in flavors? If not I feel quite sad regarding the whole taste thing for those paper-eaters out there.
Giddygoat is right! You should most certainly start selling on Etsy. That's where Bethany does her vintage shop!
Your blog makes me's a good color.
I would come to a Kenzie party.....all day long!
ok- why did it take you so long to give me your blog address! i love it! it makes me miss you even more! you crack me up!
ok- awesome idea for a kenzie party and i totally expect you to throw one in my honor the next time im in town.. until then i think you should package a few of your cards all pretty and sell them to some botiquey type places- they gotta have those in rockvegas? maybe at the counter at marys market... or edgebrook somewhere... but a kenzie party! FOR SURE! xoxo
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