Elliette , my budding artist, athlete, sassy pants... turned 4, & my little, all-boy, wild-man, Griffin turned 2!
Both completely embrace the their ages and stages of childhood.
Elliette-Little miss Elliette has a mind of her own, and isn't afraid to let you know it! She knows what she wants and how to get it. Typical of a 4 year old, going on 13, right! She is a smart little thing, on the cusp of being able to read! It's pretty exciting! She has this fascination with knowing how every word is spelled.
She has the memory of an elephant! Her thought process
and problem solving skills are well
thought out for a 4 year old.
She sure as hell did not get this from her foot-loose & fancy free mother, I will tell you that!
One of my favorite things about her right now is that she is a total rockstar on the monkey bars! She zips across them like it's a walk in the park. She has been very coordinated and athletic from very early on. It makes me very proud to watch her glide across the monkey bars at the park while others watch in awe! In my head I am thinking, Yep...that's my girl!
I can't wait to see what kind of person she becomes.
Griffin- Ah...and then there is Griff!
Well...mischeivious just might as well be his middle name! With boundless energy and zero inhibition, he is into EVERYTHING and does not stop! Turn your back for a second and his is onto exploring something else!
I would be lying if I told you this did not,at times, frustrate and exhaust me like all get out!
It is mind-boggling to think that I am not a thinner person,
because all I do is chase after this kid!
Oh, but I love him! His sweet nature magically washes the slate clean!
He is...after all, two...doing what 2 year olds' should be doing!
And he does it so well!
I would be lying if I told you this did not,at times, frustrate and exhaust me like all get out!
It is mind-boggling to think that I am not a thinner person,
because all I do is chase after this kid!
Oh, but I love him! His sweet nature magically washes the slate clean!
He is...after all, two...doing what 2 year olds' should be doing!
And he does it so well!
Now, on to the cake...
My sister, Jory, aka Jojo, made it!
Isn't it great! Isn't she talented!
It has become tradition in out family that
my mom and sister make these fantastic cakes for everyone's birthday!
Well...this year my mom had pneumonia and had to sit this one out.
It was up to Jory to keep the tradition alive, and that she did with this circus cake!
She even hand stitched the canopy! Now if this isn't a sign of love and dedication to my children then I don't know what is!
So, Jory, with all my heart...
Thank you!
Amazing cake, wow, you girls are super talented.
Your kiddos are getting so big, love the photo of her blowing out her candles. And yes, I am not shocked about her being a monkey. I always knew she would be super athletic, she was even a strong baby.
oh my gosh! the cutest pic of the kids and the cake is AWESOME! i have never ever seen anything like it! and you could eat it! wow JORY you ROCK! thats is crazy amazing!
awesome- elliette is almost READING?? wow! thats like YEARS ahead of zoe! awesome!!
happy birthday to them both!!! how cute!!! miss you guys
I like Elliette's "blow out" face! I have some really cute pics of all the kids on the table. I'll send them to you. Bean and Bear are so cute!!
Love, jojo
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